viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

Libros gratis!!

Si quieres algunos libros gratis para tu Neopet, o para venderlos, o simplemente para que cojan polvo en la caja de seguridad, ahora puedes conseguirlos :) TNT ha lanzado algunos acertijos (cuyas respuestas están en las revistitas que saca mensualmente SÓLO para los niñatos de EEUU, pero que gracias a la generosidad de las webs colindantes ahora puedes obtener) que al resolverlos -como la de word scamble- te regalan algunos libros. Recomendamos elegir el inglés como lengua de la página, ya que sino el servidor no te permite acceder.

How to Draw


Blumaroo Count Von Roo Grey Faerie


Kacheek Ogrin

Ruki Soup Faerie





Rellena los huecos con ésta pregunta y la siguiente respuesta:

Q: This petpet likes to hop on the clouds of Faerieland?
A: Miamouse

Answer three of the following questions

Q. In Altador's Hall of Heroes, what statue is directly across from the statue of Kind Altador?
A. Darkest Faerie

Q. Rufus J. Wanderwart's grandfather wrote a book. What is the title of this book?
A. Percival T. Wanderwart's Guide to Modern Adventuring

Q. Many citizens of Brightvale have waited long lines to visit with King Hagen.
When they reach his throne, they only find a single sign. What does the sign read?
A. Out Studying

Q. Rufus J. Wanderwart loves The Lost Desert's fascinating history! He was about to tell a tale of heroes
and brave deeds when he was interrupted. Who interrupted Rufus?
A. Artemis Rambleshanks

Q. While traveling through Meridell, Rufus J. Wanderwart takes an unusual detour. Where does he take his travelers?
A. Meridell Rubbish Dump

Q. The book, 1001 Spells for You, comes in handy while traveling through the Haunted Woods!
According to the book, what is the best way to banish a ghost?
A. Scare his pants off!

Q. On the way to tour Meridell Castle, Rufus J. Wanderwart bumps into Barnaby-a fellow explorer.
Barnaby asks about a specific place. What is the name of this place?
A. Jellyworld

Answer three of the following questions.

Q. Nomi orders a sweet treat at Faerie Foods. What is it?
A. Faerie Fondant

Q. When Nomi was released from Balthazar's jar, what immediately happened?
A. She grew.

Q. Mayin gives Nomi a special present. What is it?
A. Bracelet

Q. What is the grand prize in the Faerie Festival?
A. Faerie Queen's Perodit Crown

Q. Edna the Witch agrees to give Nomi a special spell. But first she needs Nomi to bring her three
ingredients for her potion. What are they?
A. Black Sand, Red Poppies, Purple Juppie Java

Q. What three species of Neopets does Nomi spot while flying over the Neopia Sea?
A. Koi, Flotsam, Acara

Q. What does Telos use to steal Nomi's faerie essence?
A. Amulet

Q. The first time Nomi sees Balthazar, she notices something perched on his shoulder. What is it?
A. Crokabek

Q. How did Ullia fight off the Skeith?
A. Dive bombing

Q. When Nomi first arrives in the Haunted Woods, she meets an Eyrie that helps her. What is the Eyrie's name?
A. Krestyl

Q. What was Nomi's answer to the Brain Tree's question?
A. Her name

-De momento éste libro no se puede leer, esperemos que TNT actualice pronto el fallo.-

Q. Something brushes against Sarn's leg when he jumps into the Old Swimming Hole. What is it?
A. Rainbow Primella

Q. What is Cramdill's favorite kind of pie?
A. Jumbleberry

Q. Who is a better tree climber? Sarn or Liva?
A. Sarn

Q. Sarn travels into a cave to gather potions from a magician's lab. Who is the magician?
A. Quonsar

Q. Gnarthwal was hiding in a haunted castle. Who does the castle belong to?
A. Eliv Thade

Q. To receive information from the Brain Tree, Sarn must first correctly answer a riddle.
What is Sarn's answer to the riddle?
A. Rain

Q. What effect did the first tonic have on Sarn after he drank it? It made him:
A. Invisible

-Parece que hay un fallo en la siguiente pregunta a la hora de responder, así que si te aparece, actualiza la página hasta que te salga otra-
Q. Sarn hears a soft sound when he first enters the Haunted Woods. What is making the sound?
A. Moaches

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